Because Khajiit function best when undetected, demoralize causes foes to flee, giving Khajiit the opportunity to play to their advantages when they can no longer rely on stealth. Demoralize from the school of Illusion works well for Khajiit. Their stunted Willpower and lack of proficiency in magic skills makes them ineffective mages. The willpower weakness can however be offset by choosing the birthsign of The Lady. Their Night-Eye ability allows them to see in dim illumination, augmenting their inclination toward stealth tactics. Proficient with sneaking and unarmed combat, Khajiit perform best in close-range stealth situations.

+5 disposition when interacting with other Khajiit.Eye of Fear – demoralizes target up to level 25 once per day.Eye of Night – casts Night-Eye for 30 seconds on Self at the cost of 0 Magicka.These skills, combined with the general tendency of humans and mer to look down on them as "beasts," leads many Khajiit outside of their home province to become bandits or professional thieves and assassins.Ĭharacter creation Main article: Character Creation (Oblivion) Attributes Attributes In addition to their natural agility, Khajiit have the benefit of night vision. The Cathay Khajiit found across Cyrodiil make good warriors, but they excel primarily in stealth. A Khajiiti female, adorned in ebony armor.